Life is a self-confrontation game, where we're both player and opponent. In this boundless game, we peer into propositions through different lenses.

"Discover a new perspective in every move."

This is a surreal virtual reality poetic expression of transformation. Inspired by the game of Go, imbued with profound Chinese philosophical thought, each move reflects a key moment in life.

"Many years later, I reminisce about this upcoming journey about to unfold."

"As time passes, my inner self remains in childhood. Without pondering over
black and white, "time" is just a game."

"Has the world changed, or have I changed? 

All the brilliance experienced in life
ultimately must be repaid with experiencing the loneliness of another person!"

"The cycle is infinite, transformation eternal. Amidst this ever-turning destiny, will
we ultimately find ourselves?"

Design Concept

Through the interplay of light and shadow and the flow of time and space, this work merges traditional Chinese arts such as paper-cutting and shadow puppetry with modern technology. It explores the philosophical concept of duality—classical and contemporary, light and dark, illusion and reality, motion and stillness, above and below—to create a multi-layered narrative. The story unfolds through the transitions of light and space, with the user not just as an observer but as an active participant in a first-person perspective. By moving and perceiving within the environment, the user weaves a poetic narrative of life between the virtual and the real, embarking on a symbolic journey of self-reflection.


Loop & Transformation & Composition

The entire design encapsulates the 'turn' and 'transformation' of the self, with the 'loop' laying the groundwork and fermenting into the later 'transformation,' becoming the ultimate expression of self-contemplation, growth, and unity after opposition.



The VR experience path is designed as a spiral ring structure, incorporating the geometric paradox of the Penrose stairs, which continuously ascend or descend in an infinite loop. This symbolizes the human experience in society, where one appears to be progressing upward yet continuously faces downward challenges, or remains in a cycle of repetition at the same point.

Go Board grid & Chinese Knot

The entwined grid of the Go board and Chinese knots form a web of life's intricacies, one with a bound and the other with a blessing. As black and white engage in play, the game cycle unfolds, merging with the endless reincarnation and trans-composition of Yin and Yang in Chinese philosophy.

Chinese lamp

In Chinese culture, lanterns symbolize auspiciousness and blessings. The lights illuminated in each area also ignite hopes and cast shadows, much like a "carousel," forming a cycle of rotation.

Light and Shadow

In both day and night, the light and shadow of lanterns exhibit different variations and alternations.

Go Game

The design of the Go board is cyclic. In the later stages of a Go game, a "threefold repetition" (Sanke) can occur, where both black and white sides repeatedly capture each other's stones in the same place. This mirrors the infinite repetitions found in life's events, where differences and repetitions intertwine. To prevent the game from devolving into a meaningless "thousand-day battle," white stones introduce variations, allowing captures to be repeated only within these differences. This mutual exchange weaves together the interplay of difference and repetition.

Two Faces

"Opposition and Unity: Embracing the Duality of Self and Perspective Shifts."

The Figure-Ground Illusion, also known as the Rubin vase or "The Two Faces, One Vase Illusion," elegantly portrays a captivating composition. Here, the Rubin vase merges with elements of Chinese aesthetics, crafted as the base of a stone table used for playing Go. It symbolizes the opposition between two surfaces, yet in essence, they are one, representing the continuous transformation of inner self-conflict.

The Decoration Patterns

The fusion of various styles of Chinese knots with decorative patterns of paper-cutting and shadow puppetry characters echoes and symbolizes the cycle and transformation of life.

The Number Nine"

In Chinese culture, the number "nine" symbolizes longevity and completeness. There is the saying 'nine returns to one,' symbolizing cyclic recurrence. The work presents elements such as the Nine-Bend Bridge, nine rounds of the game, nine doors, and nine windows, echoing the twists and turns of life experiences.

Transformation & Composition

Introspection Before the Mirror

As individuals reflect upon themselves in front of the mirror, their perspective shifts from white pieces to black pieces, signifying a transformative inversion between light and dark.

Windows of Contemplation

Within a room symbolizing aging, the windows of memory sequentially open, symbolizing the release of burdens after a transformation of the mind.

Interchanging Chessboards

Within the pavilion, simultaneous interchanging chessboards represent a multi-layered transformation, symbolizing a deeper level of metamorphosis.

Commencement and Conclusion

The departing position becomes a "transformation" echoing the starting point, where a similar position signifies a different elevation, denoting the nuanced evolution of experiences.

The work utilizes light and shadow to portray scenes from human life, symbolizing that life is akin to fleeting shadows, constantly changing and ephemeral, ultimately leaving behind transformed states of mind.

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