Go Game

The game of Go, originally a contest of opposition and competition, has been endowed with a metaphysical and harmonious "Dao" in Chinese philosophical thought. The board represents the universe, while the stones circle shapes that symbolize the heavens, are placed upon it. The board, square in shape, symbolizes the earth, embodying stillness. In contrast, the stones, with their circular form, represent movement. With one black and one white stone, embodying yin and yang respectively, they generate and harmonize with each other. As players engage in the interplay of black and white, human play reflects the cyclic nature of the game, blending the reincarnation and "transformation" of Yin and Yang found in Chinese philosophy.

The design of the Go board is cyclic. In the later stages of the game, both black and white sides form a "threefold repetition" in the same place, where capturing stones can occur repeatedly, much like the infinite repetitions in life's events. However, in order to avoid an infinite cycle, both sides always need to introduce variations, ultimately intertwining differences and repetitions.

In the seventh game, the Go board formed a triple ko cycle, where three positions became an infinite loop, echoing the repetition of life depicted in the design.

However, ultimately, the white side chose to abandon the cycle and break free from the predetermined fate, shifting perspective to scrutinize from the standpoint of the black stones. The transition occurred, with "me" shifting from the white side to the black side.

When we face challenges and re-compose our perspectives, the overturning of black and white stones ultimately leads to inner change.

Go Board Grid

"Binding" & "Blessing"

The entwined grid of the Go board and Chinese knots form a web of life's intricacies, one with a bound and the other with a blessing. As black and white engage in play, the game cycle unfolds, merging with the endless reincarnation and trans-composition of Yin and Yang in Chinese philosophy.

In "my" journey, "I" passed through nine gates, each adorned with door handles and lantern decorations inspired by various shapes of Chinese knots, symbolizing blessings for different stages of life. Throughout this process, starting from the "A knot" and ultimately returning to the elder years "A knot", "I" completed a loop of transformation."

Chinese knots and their symbolic meanings in VR works

1. A knot(original)- Meaning essence, the origin, and the endpoint, the beginning and the end.
2. Eight-character knot (Infinite knot)
- Shaped like the number "eight," symbolizing endless auspiciousness and the infinity of l
ife. Here, the representative symbol of "me" is the "Infinite knot," corresponding to the theme expressed as "change."
3. Cloverleaf knot - Meaning a
uspicious and propitious, it is the fundamental knot in traditional Chinese handcrafted rope weaving.
. Auspicious knot - Represents auspiciousness, peace, and happiness.
. Trident knot - Resembling a weapon, symbolizes strength and, phonetically similar to the Chinese character "grade," signifies rapid promotion, guardianship, and warding off evil and disaster.
. Concentric square wins knot - Composed of multiple square structures, some overlapping, symbolizing unity and prosperity.
. Buddha knot - Originating from Buddhism and later integrated into Chinese culture, it symbolizes everything proceeding smoothly and achieving success.
. Panchang knot - Originating from Buddhism, it is a coiled structure with continuous connectivity from start to finish, imbued with the fundamental concept of "unity of heaven and humanity." Symbolizes completeness, integrity, and continuity, penetrating all things in the universe.
9. A knot - Returning to the starting point, echoing the Chinese philosophical concept of "nine returns to one," where sameness meets difference.

Paper Cut & Shadow Puppet

The fusion of various styles of Chinese knots with decorative patterns of paper-cutting and shadow puppetry characters echoes and symbolizes the cycle and transformation of life.

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